WS AU - 1

I came up with this a while ago and everyone I pitched the idea to went OH MY GOODNESS YES! So here it is.

This is an AU so the universe is mostly the same. 
I am by no means agreeing with this idea or supporting Hydra Cap but I wanted to explore what something like this would do to Bucky. I have already been told this is a less than satisfactory idea, but I felt the need to write it. 
I did change some things for story purposes but the bones will stay the same.

The French Alps with their sheer cliffs and plummeting ravines were freezing.

"Just once, why couldn't the target be in like, Africa?" Bucky grumbled zipping his jacket tighter as the Commandos scaled the thin trail to the ledge that overlooked the train tracks.

 "What, your joints freezing up old man?" Steve shot back over his shoulder.

 "Is it too much to ask of you to spontaneously combust for warmth?" Bucky shot back standing next to Steve on the ledge.

"Love to know how you would like us to word that on the official report, yes the Sergeant blew up the Captain for warmth, tragic." Dum Dum jabbed pulling himself up.

The best friends laughed helping the rest of their comrades up. The wind whipped around them as Gabe set up the radio.
Looking over the mountains from here was breathtaking. Steve was drinking in the sight of the mountains and steep cliffs. Bucky had no doubt that this would grace the page of his sketchbook later.

"Ya know the time I made you ride the Coney Island Cyclone?" Bucky looked down the ravine to the tracks below.

"And I puked my guts out?" Steve finished amused.

"This wouldn't be payback would it?" Bucky jested with a smirk.

Steve laughed, "Now why would I do that?"

Bucky shook his head at his best friend. Of all the stupid stuff Steve had ever done this was coming close seconds to letting himself be a science experiment.

"They just were given permission to open the throttle. Wherever they need him it must be important." Gabe reported one hand on his earpiece monitoring the radio.

Dr. Zola. Bucky calculated the distance and angle of where the zip line would travel in an attempt to not think about Zola. He could still faintly feel the ice-cold serum pumping through his veins.

"Alright, we'll only have a few seconds for a window. We miss it and we're bugs on a windshield." Steve went over aloud.

In response, Dernier fired off the zip line that stretched across the ravine, "Mind the gap."

"Better get moving bugs." Dum Dum joked handing Gabe his zip line rod. Steve clipped on his own zip line rod and pushed off. Bucky waited until he was five feet out before pushing off as well. Dangling hundreds of feet above the ground flying on a wire was not what Bucky had had in mind when he first been training for the Army.

 Landing lightly on the train Bucky shifted his weight lower for better balance. Steve dropped down into a car and Bucky followed. Pulling the door closed the two friends took a moment to catch their breath. Nodding, Steve turned into one of the containers and Bucky followed in suit. In a flash, in a moment, one Bucky would always and never remember well, they were separated by a solid wall of metal.

Steve whipped around in time to see his best friend dive for the crappy cover of a few crates as bullets blasted into the glass of the viewpoint. Steve was fortunate that the glass was bulletproof but didn't even have a moment to consider that before recognizing his own threat in that of a powering up machine.

He saw the telltale blue power start to glow from its cannons an instant before it fired. Taking cover Steve gaped slightly at the dent in the door. This could be a problem.

Bucky had a problem. They had planned for a firefight but they had also planned on fighting with Captain America. Because what Hydra goon didn't want to take a shot at mister-I'm-an-idiot.-oh,-look-I'm-wearing-a-patriot-color-suit.-Super-punk-with-a-big-ole-shield?

Now, with just him and low ammo, he was vulnerable. He had taken out two of the four shooters out of sheer luck. He had three bullets left though and they had automatics. Leaning against the measly crates he closed his eyes.

He thought for a moment of the irony of the whole ordeal. He had known since the Commandos had been created that he would die for Steve's cause. The cause to destroy something that had so changed him. That had, in a way, recreated him. Looking up he almost laughed.

Steve was grinning at him through the shattered glass. The door slid open and Steve shot one goon before ramming his body into a case of weapons forcing the last man to fall into Bucky's line of fire. One shot, then silence save for the clack of the rails and heavy breathing of both men.

Steve pulled his best friend up to his feet grinning like the idiot he was. Bucky rose and shook his head at his oversized friend, "I had him on the ropes."

Steve chuckled grimly at the old joke, “I know."

More would have been said if the sound of a machine powering up hadn't interrupted them. Steve threw himself in front of Bucky, shield first. The blast sent them both flying. The blast diverted off the shield and into the side of the container blasting out most of the wall.

The freezing air rushed in making Bucky's fingers numb as he grabbed for the shield. He only had two bullets left, he would only get one shot. Using the shield as protection he jumped out firing twice.
It worked, sort of, something ruptured breaking the machine but not before it blasted one deadly last blast.

The power of it threw Steve clear out of the car. Bucky dove for him and caught him by the sleeve. Holding on to the creaking metal and inching his way farther out Bucky grabbed as much of the fabric he could. "Hold on! I got you!" He hollered barely audible to even himself over the howling wind. Bucky caught Steve’s eyes and they were terrified.

Then it happened. He would be told later that the train hit a spike hadn't been fully installed or part of the cargo in one of the adjoining cars shifted but the train car jerked.

 Instinct took over. Bucky's survival reflexes let go before he could stop them and threw himself onto the solid surface of the car floor.

The noise that came from Steve as he fell would forever haunt James Buchanan Barnes for the rest of his life. It was pain, betrayal, loss, and fear all in one gut-wrenching cry. The descent only took the span of ten seconds or the time of which James witnessed. Those ten seconds changed his life.

One moment he was there. The next, gone.

Ten seconds, one moment.

Everything changed.

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