Possibility of Tomorrow - 6



The first thing the Girl realized was she didn't feel hazy or heavy. The next thing was that she was no longer soaked; in fact, she wasn't in her clothes at all. That was when she registered the heavyweight wrapped around her torso. Someone was in bed WITH her. 

Panicking, she shoved off with all her might, landing with a thud on the floor. There were two bunk beds and a cot next to her head. Where was she? 

She faintly registered a lull of the floor, but all other observations were overridden when she saw the man who she had been on top of lean over to see her. She knew that face, that was the face that when with every scary story she'd ever heard, the Winter Soldier. And she'd just been sleeping on TOP of him.

 "Hey, are you okay?" His voice didn't match his physic as he put his legs over the side of the bed; he was HUGE. 

Was she okay? What kind of question was that? She tried to get away from him as he loomed over her, but her limbs were uncoordinated and could barely support her torso. 

"Wow, careful. You'll hurt yourself." He had gotten up now; he's bigger than she had originally estimated (oh my goodness, oh-my-goodness ohmygoodness), but he's crouched, so he's more her size if that's even possible. She does register that he's fully dressed, and so is she, adding that to the small list of small mercies.

 Her limbs finally work, letting her scurry back a few scoots before giving out. She's panicking now, barely containing it. He has his hands out as to placate her, but nothing's working for her. For all, she knows this is all a huge trick—the punishment of failure. 

He opened his mouth to say something before pausing, looking directly at her like he can see her thoughts. "The haze is gone." He says almost to himself in quiet amazement. He quickly course corrects, addressing her, "You were drugged, so you remember that?" 

The haze, the heaviness, the burning choking sensation, yes, she remembers. Without thinking, she nods. Then she freezes, was she not supposed to do that? 

The Winter Soldier doesn't seem to mind, "You've been in withdraw for the last week. This is the first time you've been cognitive since you passed out." 

She freezes when he says that, mind racing to comprehend. She pushes it all away, the fact she doesn't know where she is, where her clothes are, why she was asleep on top of the Winter Soldier, or any of the hundred other questions focusing on what he just said. 

"What?" Her voice is scratchy and hoarse and sounds strange and awful even to her. The Winter Soldier flinches, and for a terrifying moment, she thinks she's done something wrong as he reaches for one of the bags. Instead, he hands her a water bottle. 

"You've been out for a week. Hallucinating, fever, puking, whole nine yards." He explains as she downs half of the water greedily. 

She feels her face heat up with the embarrassment but quickly shoves it down. She has a bigger problem(s). "That's impossible." Her voice is better, still scratchy. 

The Soldier looks confused, "Why?"

 Memories flood back, making her flinch inside, "Because no one's survived the withdraw before."

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